My self-care routine 7 habits for a healthier lifestyle happy fox
Do you take care of yourself? Most people will probably answer “yes”. But what do you actually do to take care of yourself? That’s where most people hit a wall. A self-care routine is important. Body and mind are connected. Neglect one and it will impact the other. Self-care is crucial for our well-being.
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Good self-care is key to a happy mood. It lowers stress and anxiety and uplifts you in many ways. Self-care is something that you enjoy doing that refuels you, that nourishes your mind, body and soul. 

I was pretty bad at taking care of myself just a year ago. I thought I did, but I wasn’t actively doing anything to improve my well-being. I was eating way too much crap food, did not exercise, and rarely actively planned anything that was true self-care.

The result of this?

  • Low productivity 
  • Low energy 
  • Bad mood 
  • Easily stressed out 

Then, a major change in my life happened and I had to find a new home. I moved, I got closer to my friends, and I started a new routine that changed my life for the better. Taking care of myself improved every aspect of my life.

Here is my self-care routine. It varies, but mostly I try to stick to it because I really enjoy it. These are good habits for a healthy lifestyle.

pink flower and stones on colorful background

1. Waking up early

It’s the first step of my self-care routine. And by “early”, I mean early for me, meaning around 8:00am. I used to sleep until I had to go to work (my full-time job starts at 12pm on most days) and I would oversleep and end up feeling groggy the entire day. Now I get up earlier and get to enjoy the morning. It does a lot for your mood!

I am not a morning person and waking up any earlier than this would make me feel miserable. It’s all about finding balance. Get up at a time than you consider early and enjoy the morning!

2. Having a healthy breakfast

I start my day by brewing coffee and eating a homemade healthy muffin. I love muffins and found an online recipe that I adapted to make it super healthy and delicious. My muffins are made with whole-wheat flour, almond milk, coconut oil, blueberries, walnuts, coconut flakes, and a tiny bit of sugar. Love them! It’s my go-to breakfast.

Sometimes I’ll have some cereals or some peanut butter and toast. I’m European so eggs and bacon have never been my thing.

3. Going to the gym

Once I have my coffee and muffin, I pack my bag and head to the gym. It’s the best part of my day and probably the most important part of my self-care routine. I used to hate exercising and I would have laughed out loud had you told me I would one day be addicted to the gym.

Turns out, weight lifting and a bit a cardio every morning does wonder! It keeps me from spending time aimlessly browsing the web on my computer, laying on my bed. This is what used to kill my productivity. Going to the gym allows me to put my mind in a working mindset. It also gives me the mental and physical energy to face the day.

4. Taking a hot shower

I hate the cold. I am absolutely incapable of having a cold shower, no matter the temperature outside. After a good workout, I turn the bathroom into a steam room and take a long hot shower, enjoying every moment of it. It’s so relaxing!

Afterwards, I typically either work on my art business (creating new artworks, working on my website, social medias, and online shops) or I go to my full-time job. Having both a creative business and a full-time job is not always easy but it can be done! Check out this article on how to start a small business while working a full-time job.

5. Eating healthy

You have to take care of your body. Self-care is not just mental health, it’s also physical health. How you eat and what you eat can have a big impact on your health and consequently, on your mood. Eating healthy nutritious food is extremely important.

No, you don’t have to give up on anything, but you should restrict the junk food to a minimum. I used to not care much about what I ate but ever since I started exercising almost every day, I actually take pleasure in choosing and eating better food. Exercise and diet go hand in hand in my opinion. 

6. Spending time with my loved ones

After work, I typically spend some time with my loved ones. For me, that would be either friends or my cats! Whether it’s hanging out with my favorite people or cuddling my fur babies, being surrounded by loved ones is essential. 

7. Relaxing time on my own

I always schedule some me-time at least once a day. This can be watching a movie or tv show, going shopping, reading a book, doing my nails, listening to new music… These little things are pivotal to appreciate life. Self-care is all about enjoying being alive.

stretching tiger digital painting by FloArtStudio
Get this artwork in my Society6 shop!

Taking care of yourself is your responsibility. Learn to enjoy the little things in life and make time for yourself. Taking care of yourself is not always easy when you have a busy life and a stressful job but it can be and should be done.

You will feel more connected to the world around you.

Share your self-care routine in the comments!

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