Winter has hit hard. It’s freezing outside, it’s been snowing for days and the sun seems to have disappeared to an alternate dimension. A few months of this is fine but if like me you live in a place where the winter season seems to never end, then like me I’m sure you’re in need of a pick-me-up. Don’t let it get you down, fight the winter blues! These are my personal top tips to fight seasonal depression.
I love snow. I love putting on cute snow boots, an adorable coat, cover myself up and go outside to play in the snow. But after a month of this, the love starts to turn into hate. Because I may love snow but I hate the cold. Bit of a conundrum, I know. Winter is usually my least productive time of the year. It’s high season at my day job so I have less time to work on my art. The sun sets at 5:00pm, days are cold, so when I get home I just want to cuddle under a blanket with my cats and a hot cocoa and watch a movie.
Which brings us to my number one thing to do to fight the winter blues:
1. Cuddle under a blanket with a hot cocoa.
Nothing like being under a thick and cozy blanket when it’s cold outside. Treat yourself to a night of coziness, watching movies or reading a book, drinking your favorite warm beverage. Whether it’s cocoa, tea, coffee, or anything else. Relish in it. Embrace it.
Recently, I started adopting a much more healthier lifestyle and I rediscovered hot chocolate. I pour warm almond milk in a coffee cup and add a tablespoon of dark chocolate powder to it and a pinch of stevia. Delicious and ultra low in calories, the perfect comforting winter beverage!
2. Eat good food.
If you’re feeling depressed by the season, a change in your diet might help and although a nice sugary treat or junk food can be comforting sometimes, eating healthy can help as well! And usually it does the job better. First, start imagining how well you’ll look next summer in your bikini if you eat healthy in the winter. Aim for lean meat, leafy greens, fruits and berries, and get that vitamin D! Vitamin D can be found in fatty fish, some dairy products, egg yolks, etc. Fight the winter blues with food!
Ever since I decided to adopt a healthier lifestyle, whenever I feel down and fed up with the cold weather, I refocused on my efforts on how to improve my health and body, and almost always, the mind follows. I actually enjoy cooking good healthy food now, and that’s coming from someone that used to eat tomato sauce with bread for lunch because I couldn’t be bothered to even stick something in the microwave!
3. Exercise
Go to the gym. Do a home workout. Go play in the snow. Anything that works for you but get moving! You will feel more energetic in the end. Seriously, it does work. Ever since I included going to the gym in my daily routine, I’ve been feeling less depressed. Instead of staying home not being productive and then beating myself up about it, I go workout and it may still not be productive job-wise, but it is body-wise! My motivation for the day increases tremendously after a good workout.
The only trick is, you have to find something you enjoy doing. For me, it’s strength training. I learned how to do it properly a couple months ago and it has changed my life. I hated working out, now I love it.
Speaking of exercise, did you know my artworks are now available on yoga mats in my Society6 shop? Click here to go get them!
4. Spend time with friends
Nothing beats a good night out once in a while. Grab a friend and go have a drink, go dancing, go see a show, go do something. Connecting with other people helps beat the winter blues, nothing like socializing if it’s done the right way. A good balance between time for yourself and time out with friends is key.
It may be hard to motivate yourself to go out since it’s so cold outside but you’ll be happy you pushed through the laziness in the end. And going to the movies is always an option.
5. Surround yourself with good art
These artworks by Elisabeth Fredriksson and SpaceFrogDesigns are available on Society6.
Art brightens up your life (I’m an artist, I know). Fill your walls with bright paintings, get that mug that makes you smile when you drink your coffee in the morning, that colorful blanket with a cute pattern you’ve been eyeing for a long time now. I treated myself to a few posters from some of my favorite artists on Society6 around Christmas and I look at my formerly blank and boring walls, and I smile. It’s a good way to fight the winter blues.
I’m also a big coffee fan and the first thing I do when I wake up is pour myself a huge mug that I drink while relaxing on my bed. I love having a colorful mug for my morning coffee. Fights off the dullness of the winter months. I have a ton of colorful artworks in my online shops, go have a look!
These products are available on Society6 and RedBubbble.
Why not also browse Pinterest for some inspiration and to discover new artworks? Pinterest is one of my favorite social medias since it’s all pictures!
Bottom Line
Get this super cute travel mug in my Society6 shop.
Embrace the winter and do what you love. There will always be days when you’re feeling down but unfortunately we don’t have the power to change the seasons. Dream of the sun, but relish in the coziness winter calls for.
What about you? What do you do to fight the winter blues? Share your tips in the comments!
These are some great tips. I can get the blues if it’s constantly overcast. If the sun is out, I’m okay. I usually read when I’m feeling sad, and that helps.
Overcast is the worst! Reading is a good tips, thanks!
This time of year can be awful. It really pulls you down with the long dark nights. These are some lovely little ways to bring smiles to peoples faces.
Thank you! Yes, I can’t wait for spring to be here!
Coffee is my vice for winter blues. That and my comfy bathrobe is all I need for a cold winter day.
I am definitely a coffee fan as well! It’s the only reason I get up in the morning
These are some really great tips! It’s so easy to get the winter blues. These are some great ways to pick yourself back up!
Thank you, glad you think so!
These are such good tips for curing those winter blues which are truly a real thing. Great read!
Thank you!!
These are great tips to fight the winter blues. Unfortunately, we don’t have winter here in Malaysia. But these tips would be useful when I travel during the winter.
Lucky you, I wish I was in a warm and sunny place right now!
These are some amazing tips. Your blog is enriching. It just enhances my knowledge of the topic.
Thank you so much!
I absolutely hate the cold. It definitely makes you feel like you’re not doing enough in a day!
I completely agree!
These are wonderful tips to eliminate boredom. I love that exercise picture you got there. This really helped a lot.
Thank you! I’m glad it helped!
Thanks for sharing your tips! I also suffer from S.A.D and I find that using my light lamp really helps me. I tend to use it in the morning when I’m getting ready for the day as then I’m multitasking. I do also agree that having a healthier lifestyle and doing a home work out and not binging on carbs can help too.
Snippets of Emily’s Life
Yes, adopting a healthier lifestyle is what really helped me, it makes a huge difference. Using a light lamp is a great tip too!
Eating a good meal can really help fight back the urge to eat fatty foods and gain weight Dduring the cold months. Great tips all around.
Agreed! And thanks!
Interesting post – some great tips and advice here! I will definitely have to take some of this on board x
Thank you! I’m glad I could help!