Walk With Me oil painting

Rachel Bingaman is an artist living outside of Augusta, Georgia. She creates beautiful original oil paintings on canvas with a very peculiar style.

She paints dreamscapes full of colors and texture. Her artworks are bold and mysterious. In her own words, she aims “to express nature’s beauty with exaggerated intensity”. And boy, does she do a great job at it. Her paintings are a mix of contemporary, abstract, and minimal art styles.

I’m a big fan of her trees landscapes, in which the colorful but soft background wonderfully clashes with the heavy texture of the trees. Rachel brilliantly uses impasto techniques to contrast the trees against the minimal background.

There’s something about those trees. Looking at them, I feel like I just entered a whimsical dream.

Let The Moon Rise oil painting
Blue Rapture oil painting bingart
Dreams to Wander painting by BingArt
Catching Dreams painting by BingArt

The reason I love this artist so much is, well, first of all, because of the colors of course. I’m always drawn to works of art with bright and vibrant colors. Then, the heavy texture touches she uses adds depth and it just makes the subjects stand up so beautifully. And last but not least, the paintings make me feel.

It’s hard to describe in words the feelings I get when looking at her pieces. It’s a mix of wonder, nostalgia, calm, yet excitement too.

And isn’t that the purpose of art?

To feel?

The Sands of Time painting by BingArt
All images are owned by Rachel Bingaman

Go check out her Etsy shop.

More art inspiration here.

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